Game-changer in Leadership
Nov 24, 2024
Hi friends, welcome back to The Call where I discuss topics on life’s most compelling call—to lead, serve, and love authentically! This month’s topic is a good one… we’re talking about leading with inclusivity.
This topic is close to my ♥ļø¸ Throughout my leadership journey, I have learned that failures make me better and I don’t have to lead like everyone else to be effective. We know great leaders develop leaders, but are we truly leading everyone on our team toward their highest potential? I believe we all have the power and potential within ourselves to be leaders, but we need the tools and support to reach our potential. I hope the information I provide helps you to tap into that true leader that lives inside you, and remind you of the importance in building strong boundaries around yourself so you can live, lead, and serve without exhaustion or resentment!
The Beginning
Two decades ago, I took a leap of faith and did something I had never done before; I built my own dental practice without any real business knowledge. Diving headfirst into this adventure, I had a lot on my plate. I was trying to lead my team while expanding the practice to multiple locations, bringing in associates, and teaming up with a business partner. If you would have seen me, or even more, if you had known me back then, it would have seemed like I had it all figured out. But the truth is, I was struggling big time. I felt out of place, and imposter syndrome had begun to sneak in. These factors paired with the fact that I was not setting clear boundaries all started to wear me down. I realized I wasn’t being my true self as a leader, which was stressful and put a dent in me guiding my team properly. As dentists we have to show up for our patients, and as leaders we need to be there for our team. But we cannot do any of that if we do not show up for ourselves first. I mean, how could I expect them to be their best if I wasn’t at my best?
Tapping In
There was a point where I thought about throwing in the towel, but deep down I knew there had to be a better way. I decided to tap into my most authentic self, which helped me to bring my true essence into my leadership style. As leaders, we lead by example, and I wanted to show everyone that they too could show up as their authentic selves.
Now that’s all easier said than done, but there was one very important thing I did that helped me achieve this; I started setting clear boundaries. And not just for others, but for myself as well. It wasn’t easy at first. Advocating for yourself can be uncomfortable, and setting boundaries can be hard and awkward. However, setting these boundaries helped me to become a leader who includes everyone and makes sure my team feels valued and ready to give their best. It’s all about tweaking your mindset and adding some new skills to your toolbox.
I want to take this opportunity to share some tips on how to be the type of leader we all have inside ourselves. I’ve created the Inclusive Leadership Support Sheet, a helpful tool where healthcare leaders can build a team that is happy, productive, and sticks around to provide top-notch care to their patients.
The Inclusive Leadership Support Sheet
I know from personal experience how tough being a good leader can be. But by building a culture of belonging, we all can work to be better, together. Below are four points to work on towards building this culture.
These include adapting to discomfort, mitigating unconscious bias through acknowledgment, developing a small set of tools for fostering authentic belonging in your practice, and managing emotions. All of these steps will help you to build a culture of belonging not just for yourself but for everyone around you as well. These points of growth will help you to protect yourself and your energy, will enhance the quality of care to your patience, and will create a comfortable space and work environment for you, your patients, coworkers, friends, and family. At the end of the day, all of this leads you to being a better and more authentic leader.
C.R.A.F.T. Your Skill Set
The Inclusive Leadership Support Sheet also has a section titled “C.R.A.F.T. Our Skill Set.” The word “craft” is an acronym, with each letter standing for a specific tool to foster authentic belonging in the dental practice. We have Communication, Recognition, Advocate, Feedback, and Training and Education. Download the Inclusive Leadership Support Sheet so you all can read more information on each point.
Be the Leader You Are Meant to Be
That’s it from me today, friends. If you want to read more, you can subscribe to my newsletter, where I share some freebies, like the Inclusive Leader Support Sheet.
As always thank you all for reading. Go into the workspace with clearer boundaries and tap into your most authentic self!
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